Friday 27 November 2009

on repeat

two of my favorite people and an absolute tune.

Friday 20 November 2009

fuck rpattz...

definetely team jacob. hilarious night thanks to making look-a-like comparisons & the man with the extremely loud cough sitting infront.


Currently doing a 'creative styling' project which has led me to suicide pacts and alcohol dependency but here are some rough edits from the photo shoot. My concept is inspired by icons from different eras- courtney love, madonna, bowie and edie sedgwick. Despite my earlier claims the shoot turned out to be a lot of fun & massive thanks to soph for being a fantastic model/ trooper and to hayley and holly for helping me out huge amounts. 
Going to see New Moon tonight, tooo excited !! An Edward Cullen fix is just what i need. 

Oh and i seriously need these beauts in my life.. they're going on the christmas wish list- heres to hoping !